Maud Daudon

RESUME: President and CEO, Seattle Chamber of Commerce

WHY DID YOU WANT TO BE ON THE BOARD? I believe business leadership has been a big part of prior big activities in Seattle. I really admire Beth Knox and her leadership skills and I think she’ll do an awesome job. I also think it’s a great opportunity for the community to learn more about the athletes who compete in Special Olympics.

WHAT SPORTS DID YOU OR DO YOU PLAY? I played field hockey in high school. Now I run and do yoga.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM SPORTS THAT YOU’VE APPLIED TO YOUR CAREER? Anytime you are challenging yourself to your limit helps you understand better what you are capable of and instills confidence. It helps you learn how to push through difficult things and still get to your goal. Sports are a wonderful way to regain perspective and feel better about overcoming obstacles.

WHAT WILL THE GAMES MEAN TO SEATTLE? One thing I love about Seattle is we are truly an inclusive city. We care about making people feel welcome and at home. I also think this is an opportunity for our city to learn a lot about Special Olympics. What is the nature of the competition. Who are these athletes? What obstacles have they overcome? I think it’s going to be a wonderful celebratory moment for our city.

WHAT SHOULD ATHLETES SEE AND DO IN SEATTLE? Hop on one of our wonderful ferries and take a ride across the sound. You’ll get a sense of the mountains, the water, the vistas, and the stunning beauty of this region. Walk through the Pike Place Market, then go to the top of the Space Needle.